I am so sad. This was my last care-free weekend... AND I took total advantage of it.
The husband and I spent a lot of time together. We spent so much time together, he'll be happy that I am back to school this week!
I really hope this isn't my last Monday Made It for a while, but I am afraid it might be.
I've been hearing some nasty rumors about new curriculum requirements this year.
Requirements that will likely eat-up most of my free time. Boo!
Venting Alert--->WHY do we pay money hand over fist to publishing companies, if I have to spend my hours supplementing???<---Sorry, I needed to let that out.
Anyway, I'm just a little nervous about the expectations that are surrounded by Common Core. I've been to two workshops regarding Common Core already, and they were NOT helpful at all. They just reminded me of how much more work I'm going to have to do.
We shall see...
Enough of that boring stuff and on to my "Made It's"
1) First, I found a bunch of really cool stuff to spruce up my classroom. I spent a lot of time printing, cutting, laminating, and cutting again, but it was well worth it!
My pile of laminating to cut. |
After about three hours, all of it was cut and organized. Ya! |
Here's a list of what is what:
*Binder Covers from the WONDERFUL Rachelle at What the Teacher Wants. They are editable, so I was able to make covers for everything! Yee-haw
*Welcome Pennant from Vickie at Mrs. Plant's Press. It's free and totally cute! Love it!
*CAFE headers for my bulletin board from Rachel at The Tattooed Teacher. I don't have a Wizard of Oz theme but these are so darlin' I couldn't pass them up. Plus, The Wizard of Oz is on the list of Exemplar Texts, that makes it totally relevant. :)
*Visual Directions cue cards for my little guys from Tiffani at Time 4 Kindergarten. These will be good to refer to while they are working.
*Fabulous Firsties Mega Word Work cards - Mrs. Mabe has created a fantastic set of Word Work cards. These will be great for myself and my part-time aid (if I actually get one - Lord help me!) who will be working with my inclusion students. Thanks!
*Writing Station Starter Kit from Teri at A Cupcake For the Teacher. I was so happy to pick this up. It is perfect for independent writing time.
I put together my Writing Station board, and I am so pleased with how it turned out.
I hope my kiddos like it as much as I do!
I hung my Welcome Pennant above my Daily 5 I-Charts.
I've redone my I-Charts so they will be ready for me to fill in with my students responses.
We will complete the I-charts on large chart paper, and then I'll convert the responses over to these smaller charts. We'll refer to these charts throughout the year. {Especially around the holidays!}
My new CAFE headers
The Visual Directions Cue Cards
Since I will be the reading teacher for a class of Kinders and Firsties, I will need two sets of Daily 5 pocket charts for our three daily rounds. When I first started the Daily 5 about six years ago, I had purchased the Target Dollar Spot pocket charts and used these choice cards. This system works really well for me, so I went out to Target and got some more charts. I hung them under my first set of charts and learned that they are made much smaller then my old charts! Oh no, my cards won't fit. Nothing is easy!
I had to make a new set of smaller cards.
First three rows are the smaller set for my Kinders and the last three rows are the normal sized cards for my Firsties. Click on the picture to pick up the smaller set of cards.
Also, I had a request for a smaller sized 'Brainstorm Vocabulary' poster printable to fit on a file folder and here it is...
Click on the picture to get the document.
The first part is the large poster board version and the second part is the file folder version.
You'll need to use wittle Post-its.
My sister, Jill, has been very busy, too. She redid her classroom theme and has been working hard at hunting down anything in teal and brown.
She made an adorable frame for pictures.
(Please excuse the cell phone pictures, I had to steal these from her texts to me!)
interchangeable labels for our special days |
our wonderful SEVENTH grade model, Molly |
She made me a frame, too. I'm so lucky :)
Can I tell you how much I'm loving TPT's sale?
I love it this much <------------------------------------------------------------------------>!
My wishlist has gotten a lot smaller with my new purchases. Yippers!
I may not have my own TPT store to promote for the sale, but Jill does. :)
She has some awesome science fair projects available for super cheap.
Here's a link to her store. Click {HERE}
Please go and check out everyone else's Made It"s while you still have time!
Thanks again, Tara!