Thursday, December 15, 2011

Gingerbread Week Day 4

Must ... write ... Day 4 .... post!
Cannot fall asleep until this is complete.

Boy, today was a long one! I worked late, then I rushed home to pick up the man and head on over to the in-laws for dinner. Three hours and a while later, I am finally home. Man, I'm exhausted.

Today was a fun day. We did the "Which part of the gingerbread cookie did you eat?" Math lesson. I'm sure you've heard of it. The kids take one bite of their gingerbread cookie and we record where they took that bite {head, tummy, arm, & leg.} First, we make a picture graph to display their information. We analyze the data. The kids complete their own bar graphs. Afterwards, I had them help me take the pictures from the first graph and turn it into a Pie Graph. They enjoyed helping make this graph (very attentive.) Then, everyone writes sentences to describe their data. Easy - peasy - lemon squeezy!

In the afternoon, I gave the kids another gingerbread man cookie to enjoy. We discussed adjectives to describe the gingerbread man cookie and added them to our large gingerbread man. Then, I let the kids choose their favorite seven adjectives and add them to their own gingerbread man bubble map.

Today was our last day for our Gingerbread Man comparison lesson. We read the story, The Gingerbread Cowboy. They loved this one, too! There is something magical about desert regions to first graders. I don't know why, but every year my kids get soooo into learning about deserts.

We recorded and posted the last bits of information to our large Gingerbread Story Anchor chart and completed the last story response sheet.

I still have at least three other gingerbread men stories to read tomorrow: The Gingerbread Pirates, Bad Boys Get Cookie, and The Gingerbread Friends. However, I'll just read those aloud for enjoyment, not work! They've been working super hard all week.

As I was tidying up the room at the end of the day, I noticed I had a small problem ...
I'm running out of places to hang up my student work!

I had to hang today's work on our library bookshelves. Hopefully, no one needs to shop for new books tomorrow!

I did get some really good news at the end of the school day. The "no pajamas" declaration for our Polar Express Day was overturned. My kids were so thrilled {me, too!} I could have kissed my computer when I read that email! :)

Let's hope for smooth sailing tomorrow. Either that or everyone is taking a long nap {including me!}

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