Sunday, April 1, 2012

Have You Heard the Big News?

*UPDATE: In the dictionary, next to the word GULLIBLE - there is a picture of me!
What a MEAN April Fool's Joke! I hate this day! ;)

I have to share this because I am BURSTING!
If you haven't had a chance to read your TPT Newsletter, you need to do so NOW!

Deanna Jump has been invited by President Obama to attend the next State of the Union address! He {and Michelle} are thrilled with Deanna's TPT success and want to make teaching a more attractive career choice. 

Personally, I think Deanna is the perfect choice. She is the total package and will be the best representation of the American teacher.

We all know they need to work a little a lot harder on the actual problems with our education system, but I couldn't be more happier for Deanna.

It is a step in the right direction.

Mazal tov, Deanna!


  1. Wow! What an honor! Thanks for sharing this wonderful news!

    Teaching With Love and Laughter

  2. I was thrilled when I read about that in the newsletter...and that The President and First Lady had called Paul (TPT)...but as I was telling my hubby, he reminded me that it was April Fool's Day...which made me a bit paranoid about whether or not to believe it...but I hope it is true! =)
    First Grade Blue SKies

  3. I think (judging by his wink at the end of the letter) that it was all an April Fool's 'joke' :)


  4. I hope it's not an April Fool's joke!
    Oh, well, if it is. He got me.

  5. It was an April Fool's Joke!!!! :)

  6. Yep! An April Fool's Joke all the way. Maybe next year.

  7. I don't like April Fool's jokes :(

  8. I guess I'm really gullible then! I really did believe it and was excited for Deanna and for all teachers. What a let down...

    Teaching With Love and Laughter

  9. Now that I read it again, I'm kind of embarrassed that I fell for it. The last thing he wrote about what he can tell us next April 1 is a dead giveaway! Jokes on me, I guess! I think it was just wishful thinking on my part.

    Teaching With Love and Laughter

  10. oh i thought it was real too... oh well wishing for a turn around in education makes you believe in things like that!!!

  11. Well . . . I am gullible also . . . believed it! :)

  12. I thought it was real, too!! And I knew it was April Fools...but with the stats, I guess I just fell for it. Wish it were true, too!
