Sunday, May 1, 2011

I Want My Mummy!

Mummy Anchor Chart
Each spring, my school holds its annual Multicultural Language Arts Fair. For the past couple of years, my class has studied and created projects on Ancient Egypt.
Mummification is a major part of the ancient culture. Some people think it is rather gross, but we love it! I make sure to go to our local library and check out as many books as I can on the subject. My library will let me check out 20 books for two weeks, so that works out perfect!
Here's a few of the books that I like to read to my class:

We complete the anchor chart together and then I have them make their own mummy. We use white construction paper, tracers, and gauze (my husband works at a medical supply store so he can get me a whole bunch!)

Then, we completed an expository writing piece about our learning. I like to do this part with the kids as we discuss the mummification process. It can be lengthy, so I help them narrow it down to four parts.
Download (604 KB)

Have a great week!

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