Monday, March 31, 2014

Currently April

It's April already! I can't believe it.
I have been on maternity leave for almost six whole months! That's just crazy. Here's a current picture of my doodlebug:

But it's all winding down folks. Yep, I have to go back to work on April 14. I am dreading it. Absolutely, dreading it. Unfortunately, we have bills, bills, bills to pay so it's off to work I go. The silver lining is that it's only for 8 weeks and then it's summer break! Yeah! It's not so bad. I can do eight weeks, right? Right?!?! (Insert picture of a crying mess of a mom here.)

Farley has her most recent Currently up and I am actually going to join the party!
These are pretty self explanatory:

Listening: As long as Max still needs nighttime nursing, he's sleeping in our room. Please tell me this doesn't last forever?

Loving: Instagram has been such a wonderful thing lately. I don't do Facebook and as you can tell I don't blog much, so IG has been my go to place to share and connect easily. See that last word EASILY. Meaning, I can use one hand and not wake up a sleeping baby that will ONLY nap on my lap. (I know, bad mommy!) I have made some pretty great friends on IG that I haven't anywhere else and I love these people. Love them! #mwah

Thinking: I'm a list girl and since I barely have time to use the restroom I really need to find a way to write and read my lists efficiently. Seriously, if I don't write stuff down, then it just doesn't happen. The pregnancy has killed my memory (along with my stomach muscles.)

Wanting: Is it so hard to ask for a printer that doesn't suck? Or eat up my paycheck with ink costs. Grumble, grumble, grumble...

Needing: The gray hairs have arrived and invited ALL of their friends to the party that is on my head. My next hair appointment is in limbo because of my limited child support and I am looking rough. I've been gray forever, but have managed to maintain my six week appointments... Until now. Thanks a lot Baby!

Hours: Our hours are okay. When I first started teaching it was 8:00-3:20 and I liked those times much better. I'd much rather go in at 9am but that's just me #notamorningperson

Well, that's all folks.
Soon it will be summer and I'll visit this blog again. Haha!

Don't forget to link up with Farley!


  1. What a cutie! Too bad about going back to work, but how exciting that it is this time of year! Lots of fun things to do this time of year and just a short amount of time until you get summer break! :)

    Teaching Momster

  2. Aww Max is such a cutie pie! It will definitely be difficult to head back…I feel sad for you! I told my fiance that when we decide to have kids- I hope that I'll be able to stay home an entire school year :D (wishful thinking!). I agree with you- I LOVE love LOVE Instagram!! It's such a great way to network and it's easy! I've neglected my blog quite a bit recently because of my new love for instagram :P Good luck heading back!! I'll be thinking of you!
    Teaching in Paradise

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