Monday, November 7, 2011

Shout Out!

Last week, Tammy at Live, Love, Laugh Everyday in Kindergarten shared a great *Freebie* that went with the story book, The Great Turkey Race.

I knew my kiddos would love this activity because they LOVE this book! It is one that never leaves the listening station all year long. Actually, they like Steve Metzger's other books just as much, too.

We listened to the story a-g-a-i-n, of course, because we couldn't miss out on another opportunity to listen to this one! And then we discussed all of the other places our turkeys could go.

Here's a few of their finished products:

I'll have to add Lilleigh's tomorrow when she finishes it. It is too funny!

The kids really enjoyed this response activity.
Thanks, Tammy!

Y'all better go and check it out!
Click {HERE}