If I thought my blogging was bad before, it is bloody terrible now!
BUT I have a good reason - I swear.
I am super happy to be participating in this month's Currently
(especially since I was a total slacker and missed it last month!)
Here is my Currently for the glorious month of May:
Listening: I'm having a difficult time not watching Grimm on Tuesday nights, so I saved it for tonight. I just love this show.
Loving: The month of May is always jam-packed with social events at school and in my personal life. And although it is also a crazy hectic time of year as far as paperwork is concerned, I am so jazzed to go out and hang with my buddies. This week, my teamie, Kelly and I are throwing a "Gender Reveal" party for our K's and Firsties. I am so excited.
So, my good reason for not blogging is because I am pregnant.
I know, I can't believe it either. Scott and I call "him/her" our little gift.
Plus, I have had morning, afternoon, and night sickness for what seems like forever.
This has been the first week that I haven't fallen asleep right after school or gotten sick. I am pretty stoked about feeling better.
Scott and I waited to tell anyone about the baby until I was past my twelve week mark. That was the hardest secret to keep especially from my parents. Then, after we made the formal announcement, I started to grow. I thought I had a little bit longer before I'd start to show, but boy was I SO wrong. Maternity pants are my best friends right now! The kids rub on my belly so much that I don't even notice any more.
Our students have been really cute and funny about the baby. They rub on my belly and talk to it. One little Kinder stood about a foot away and screamed at my belly. Not too subtle. The day we told our students that I was going to have a baby one of the first graders asked me if my husband knew about it. Hee-hee! And yesterday, I literally caught one of them running and jumping over the furniture. Which was not the first time I've caught him doing that or that he has been told to walk in the classroom. The other students were freaking out and yelled at him that he could have killed the baby. Then, another student pronounced, "He wouldn't have killed the baby. The baby would just move to her back." I about died laughing.
The kids are very opinionated about the gender and the name of my baby, so it will be loads of fun to have it documented for all to see (and for me to keep.)
Which leads me to my next topic - Thinking: Seriously, I have had a huge list of things to do for months now, and I am so exhausted that I've had to prioritize my time. As much as I LOVE my blog, unfortunately, it doesn't rank high on my list right now. Sorry y'all!
Wanting: This one is pretty obvious. I thought I would be really bummed about not getting my daily soda but it really hasn't been that bad. Plus, I have a ferocious appetite for water. Just can't get enough. Which isn't always a good thing because I have to go to the restroom a million times a day and throughout the night!
Needing: Stickers - For our gender reveal party, I really wanted to give them stickers to wear and now I am on the search for some that aren't too expensive. I know if I was as creative as many of you out there, I could probably make them myself. That may just have to happen if I can't find them at a store. Which will be really lame, I'm sure.
Summer Bucket List: Numero Uno on this list is to deconstruct our office and turn it into a nursery. Bye, bye sweet office! Hello kiddo bedroom! First, I need to find new places to put everything that is currently in the office. Really it was an office/craft room, so there is a TON of stuff in it. We are going to have to be creative. I have absolutely no time to think about this right now, so I have to wait until school is out.
Once we get that settled, I would really like to get my hands on our new reading series (if we get it before school begins.) Then, I'd like to have a good chunk of my maternity lesson plans sketched out, too. If there is any time left over after all of that (and any money left over) we'd like to have a mini vacation before school starts and the baby comes.
There's my MAY Currently.
Thanks, Farley!